“Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.”
- Deepak Chopra
Worry too often?
Ruminating on what is to come creates expectations that can cause discomfort and fear regarding the future. By shifting perspectives, together we can reduce or reframe these negative thought processes to create peaceful and proactive behavioral and thought patterns moving forward.
Feeling Anxious?
Anxiety can manifest into physical symptoms such as sweating, shaking or tremor, or even a racing heart.
Anxiety can create negative or untrue thought patterns that can increase the severity of symptoms; excessive worry.
Anxiety can create emotional responses such as fear, frustration, or even anger due to self-limiting beliefs.
You absolutely have the power to change your life!
Psychotherapy can assist in exploring perspectives that can set you free from these uncomfortable experiences created by anxiety and excessive worry; let's break the chains of self-limiting beliefs and instead move towards an exciting new beginning in your life.